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Busy Bees Apollo


20 Hours ECE




Meals provided

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details-poi 56 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, Auckland, 0632

details-phone 09 486 6111


details-clock 7:00am - 5:30pm, Monday to Friday

Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany location in maps

Nau mai, haere mai 

Welcome to Busy Bees Apollo, conveniently located in Rosedale, Albany.  We prioritise creating a positive and nurturing learning environment for your child. We embrace a Reggio Emilia-inspired philosophy, which encourages children to explore their interests, take charge of their own learning, and thrive in a supportive and safe environment. 

Busy Bees Apollo outdoor play and gardening activity

Our Approach

Our friendly kaiako (teachers) foster a sense of belonging, trust, and understanding, ensuring that every child feels valued and included. We promote positive language and encourage happy children, building strong relationships and emotional well-being.

We celebrate the diversity of our local Albany and Rosedale community and value the richness of different home languages within our early education centre. Busy Bees Apollo Early Education Centre provides opportunities for children to learn and appreciate various languages, promoting cultural understanding and open-mindedness. We believe that learning should be fun and exciting. Through local Albany events, parent participation, and a positive atmosphere, we create a joyful environment where children feel confident and eager to explore.

At Busy Bees Apollo, our purposefully designed Transition to School Programme equips children with the essential knowledge and skills they need for this next step, allowing them to make a seamless and successful move to primary. Our daily programme sees children participate in a variety of experiences such as literacy, numeracy and physical well-being. We also introduce a book bag to take home each day and a lunch box day on Fridays. All of which provide children with the best foundation for future learning.

We understand the demands of modern life, our flexible hours accommodate busy schedules, come by and visit us in Apollo Drive, Rosedale today! 

Nourish - Thriving minds, active bodies, nurtured hearts

Our dedicated cook and centre team is currently striving towards the Tohu Manawa Ora | Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation. From wholesome ingredients to balanced portions, every meal is thoughtfully crafted to support healthy development and foster good eating habits from an early age.

Teachers also do regular baking with the children, which provides them opportunities to engage and learn a range of food preparations skills and fine motor movements such as pouring, sifting, spooning. It is a great hands on sensory experience for children to develop independence through self-help skills, practice simple maths as they measure and count quantities. 

Our centre features six classrooms specifically designed for different age groups, fostering Tuakana/teina relationships and engaged tamariki. Our kaiako create beautiful provocations with carefully selected materials to provoke curiosity, promote critical thinking, and encourage tamariki to express themselves through various art forms. 

Our Fern room (Ages 0-1 Years) is based on building loving and trusting bonds, our kaiako work closely with families to understand infant cues and develop a routine that supports children’s natural rhythms. When tamariki are ready to progress, they will head into the Nikau room (Ages 1-2 Years), and utilise sensory play, outdoor exploration, music, and movement to create a fun, interactive atmosphere whilst maintaining a focus on the love and care that infants need to thrive.

The Kowhai room (Ages 2-2.5 Years) is designed to help our tamariki balance the desire to be independent with the need to be nurtured and cared for. Our next room is Manuka (2.5-3 Years), where our kaiako support the unfolding autonomy of the older tamariki to encourage the child’s emergent personality to blossom.   

Our Pohutukawa room (3-4 Years) supports the tamariki with social and emotional competence at a time when they are ready to engage in meaningful play with others. The Kauri room (4-5 Years) is where tamariki start to become more aware of their upcoming transition to school, our resources are reflective of the mediums children will be using at school. Kaiako observe and converse with children to develop projects based on their interests.

Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare Outdoor play
Indoor Painting  at Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare
Indoor Play at Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare
Crafting at Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare
Outdoor Natural Resources play at Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare
Reading nook at Busy Bees Apollo Rosedale Albany Childcare


I am pleased with my child’s growth and learning development in the daycare. The daycare has also provided a safe environment for her to explore and build social relationships with her friends.

Parent Survey March 2024

My daughter loves being here. They are wonderful staff and are very good at encouraging her in all areas, whether that be potty training or even with her learning as she is so smart. I truly feel they have done a spectacular job of basically raising my child while I have had to work.

Parent Survey March 2024

The teachers are amazing! My daughter has had many new experiences which is the most important part for me!!

Parent Survey March 2024


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