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Featherston Street Montessori
by Busy Bees


20 Hours ECE


Meals provided



Enrol Now

details-poi 615A Featherston Street, Roslyn, Palmerston North, 4414

details-phone 06 929 4176


details-clock 7:30am - 5:30pm, Monday to Friday

Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees location in maps

Welcome to Featherston Street Montessori

At Busy Bees Early Learning Centres, we value every child and see them as unique and a special taonga. We understand that your child’s education and care is a priority and that choosing the right centre can be a big decision. We would be delighted to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to call or visit anytime.

Engaging Resources at Featherston Street Montessori

At Featherston Montessori by Busy Bees, we aspire to develop and grow autonomous learners within our culturally diverse, respectful and inclusive community.  

  • We believe in developing trusting, reciprocal and responsive relationships with whānau, tamariki and our community through open communication and maintaining a holistic, nurturing approach 
  • We believe a bicultural approach to teaching and learning will ensure the dual cultures of Aotearoa are embedded in our learning community
  • We believe in supporting the development of dispositions for lifelong learning 
  • We believe in developing deep connections with one another, and in the importance of caring for our future through following Montessori, Te Whāriki, Enviroschools and Healthy Heart principles  

Play is the work of the child 

- Maria Montessori 

Our Practice Statement

We work with whānau, tamariki and our community to provide a Montessori programme for education within the framework of Te Whāriki. We aim to nurture the development of tamariki from infancy to early childhood fostering their natural desire for independence, exploration and self-discovery within our specially prepared environments. We aim to teach in ways that enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate, to self-regulate and to develop agency over their learning. 

'Ko te āhurei o te tamaiti, ārahia tō tātou mahi.'  
'Let the uniqueness of the child, guide our mahi.' 
Food and Nutrition

Our dedicated cook and centre team is currently striving towards the New Zealand Heart Foundation Tohu Manawa Ora | Healthy Heart Award.

Our inhouse cook provides freshly made meals for children each day using our Nourish menus and recipes, based on the New Zealand Heart Foundation Tohu Manawa Ora | Healthy Heart Award for Early Learning Centres. We believe that through nourishing food, children are fueled to thrive physically and mentally, whilst enjoying the benefits of coming together and connecting as a group at mealtimes. 

Teachers also do regular baking with the children, which provides them opportunities to engage and learn a range of food preparations skills and fine motor movements such as pouring, sifting, spooning. It is a great hands on sensory experience for children to develop independence through self-help skills, practice simple maths as they measure and count quantities. 

Te Whāriki aspirations 

‘For children to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, body, and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they make a valued contribution to society.’ (MOE, 2017) 

Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees
Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees
Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees
Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees
Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees
Learn and Play at Featherston Street Montessori by Busy Bees

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