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Busy Bees Gladstone Road




20 Hours ECE

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details-poi 481 Gladstone Road, Te Hapara, Gisborne 4010

details-phone 06 867 3690


details-clock 7:45am - 5:15pm, Monday to Friday

Busy Bees Gladstone Road location in maps

Nau Mai, Haere Mai Ki

Busy Bees Gladstone Road

At Busy Bees Gladstone Road, we value every child and see them as unique and a special taonga. Children at our centre will experience a caring, nurturing environment, one which promotes a positive self-image and respect for people, places and things. One which helps children build positive relationships, where they experience and learn the importance of trust and honesty, and where they develop a sense of independence and autonomy. We would be honoured to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to call or visit anytime.

We cater for tamariki up to six and we are open from 7.45am-5.15pmMonday to Friday


Busy Bees Gladstone Road learning about the human body

“Growing future kaitiaki of Turanga-nui a Kiwa”

Busy Bees Gladstone Road believes that the environment is a child’s third teacher and strives to provide a nature rich environment. By utilising, encouraging and valuing all areas of learning and development through Papatūānuku – Mother Nature we provide children with the opportunity to build strong connections with the natural environment. We have a strong focus on sustainability, recycling and understanding the importance of respecting and protecting the living world.

Our Rooms

Kōwhai (up to 3 years)

We recognise parents/caregivers as the child’s first educators and through a supportive and collaborative approach we will work together to develop shared goals and aspirations for children. Our Nursery environment is based on building loving and trusting bonds between infants and teachers, who structure the day according to individual needs. Teachers work closely with families to understand infant cues and develop a routine that supports children’s natural rhythms. Play is open-ended and full of fun as we embrace the unknown of how children explore and experiment with their ideas and theories of how the world around them works.

Pōhutukawa (2-3 years)

We know big changes happen during this time like increased independence and more curious questions. Our educators welcome each toddler with open arms and patience. The environment is prepared to entice children’s curiosity and exploration where testing, trying and challenge is valued. We support childhood learning with a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and supportive of all children during this age of discovery and wonder. The Pōhutukawa and Kōwhai rooms share the same learning environment which enables the concept of tuākana-tēina.

Kauri Room (4-6 years)

We aspire for children to experience free, independent movement and play and provide safe spaces and time for them to move freely on their own and in their own way. We provide a safe but challenging environment that supports self-discovery, exploration, joy in success and accomplishment and where they will have fun while they learn. Our Kauri Room provides a rich learning environment focused on the tuākana (older children) of our centre ensuring they have the opportunity to develop confidence, independence and self-management all of which align with Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Curriculum) and the pathways to kura (school).

Nutritious Kai

Morning tea and afternoon tea are provided daily, and freshly made lunch is available for children on Wednesdays. Tamariki bring their pouaka kai (lunch boxes) on all other days.

Our menus are designed by an experienced dietitian, ensuring they meet the specific nutritional needs of growing children whilst also bursting with flavour. Our centre cook takes pride in preparing all meals onsite, adhering to the Ministry of Health Healthy Eating for Babies, Toddlers and Children to guarantee optimal safety and quality.

Fostering a Culture of Sustainability

Engaging children in activities like gardening, composting, and understanding the lifecycle of plants not only promotes environmental awareness but also inspires important life skills and values.

At Busy Bees Gladstone Road we incorporate the "playground to plate" experience as a way to connect children with the food they eat and foster a deeper appreciation for where it comes from. By involving tamariki in the process of growing and harvesting produce, kaiako not only teach children about sustainability but also encouraging healthy eating habits. 

Tākaro | Play

We are guided by New Zealand’s bi-cultural curriculum Te Whāriki and acknowledge that children learn through play as well as planned experiences. Children will have opportunities to interact with and explore their environment, the people within it and be guided by teachers that recognise that play, problem-solving and exploration are important and valued ways of learning. We wish for children to have the freedom to explore their own creativity and provide opportunities and experiences that foster this.

Ako | Teaching & Learning

We have a talented group of multicultural kaiako who have been selected based on their experience and passion within the Early Learning field, their professional knowledge of teaching and nurturing tamariki as well as their philosophy of education and knowledge of child development.

We aspire for all children to have access to a high-quality curriculum that recognises and responds to the curiosity and interest shown by our learners. For children to experience an environment that supports the development of their numeracy and literacy skills, as well as one where communication is encouraged and social interaction is supported, which will assist them to develop skills in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships in the future.

Busy Bees Gladstone Road karakia before kai
Busy Bees Gladstone Road preschooler focused on his artwork
Busy Bees Gladstone Road harvesting kai
Big smiles and happiness at Busy Bees Gladstone Road
Busy Bees Gladstone Road learning about sustainability, worm farm
Busy Bees Gladstone Road child caring for Papatūānuku


My girls LOVE going to Busy Bees Gladstone Road. They are surrounded there by the kindest most caring staff that are always friendly and welcoming. They always coming home with new learnings.

Parent Feedback

All the Koka are amazing and loving towards the tamariki. The Koka make a great team!

Parent Feedback

Keep doing what you’re doing! Every staff member is genuinely kind and caring and I know my child is loved and looked after.

Parent Feedback


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