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Our environments provide endless opportunities to explore the natural environment. We promote the development of active and confident learners who think, question, seek information and apply knowledge to the best of their ability. We are a committed and dedicated team with a shared vision for creating a nurturing, safe, creative, and happy environment for our tamariki and centre whānau to be a part of.
We promote a genuine appreciation for diversity and cultivate an environment of mutual respect. Embracing every child's cultural celebration is a powerful way to promote inclusivity, respect, and understanding. By providing opportunities for learning about different cultures, we encourage a sense of curiosity and respect from an early age. We welcome our new centre whānau to share their culture with us so we can include it in our celebrations!
We value that each child learns at their own pace and when they are ready, and that play is children’s work.
Across morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, our Nourish menu provides foods that are minimally processed, avoiding recipes that are high in added sugar, instead using fresh, real and wholesome ingredients. Children are provided with well-balanced meals from the four main food groups (breads and cereals, milk and milk products, fruit and vegetables, lean meat and meat alternatives.
Our Nursery environment for ages 0-2 Years is based on building loving and trusting bonds between infants and kaiako, who structure the day according to individual needs. Kaiako work closely with whānau to understand our infant’s cues and develop a routine that supports children’s natural rhythms.
Our Toddler space, ages 2-3 years is designed to help our tamariki balance the desire to be independent with the need to be nurtured and cared for. This age group are ready to explore their sense of self whilst still needing more care than the older tamariki, therefore we have a focus on emerging social skills and independence.
The preschool room is designed for ages 3-6 years and offers opportunities throughout the day for tamariki to be involved in contributing to the curriculum by helping to make decisions about what is set up and sharing their ideas. Kaiako work alongside the tamariki to set up an environment which is challenging, provides curiosity and active exploration.