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Enhancing Young Minds with Dietitian-Designed Menus

BB Cambridge Bibs 20 June 2023 4
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At Busy Bees Early Learning Centres, we have a special opportunity to positively impact young children’s lives through not only establishing healthy eating patterns, but also ensuring tamariki are fuelled with the right nutrients to thrive, grow and learn. Enter dietitian-designed menus at our childcare centres - a solution that guarantees children are getting the right nutrients in the right amounts, and promoting healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime.

Why Nutrition Matters at Busy Bees Early Education Centres

Ensuring our children receive nutritious meals during their formative years is crucial for their growth, development, and overall health. Proper nutrition not only supports physical growth but also cognitive development and immune function. A well-balanced diet can:

  • Boost Cognitive Development: Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and vitamins A, C, and D are essential for brain development and function.
  • Support Physical Growth: Adequate intake of proteins, calcium, and vitamins is necessary for bone development, muscle growth, and overall physical health.
  • Enhance Immunity: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides antioxidants and essential nutrients that help build a robust immune system.

The Role of Dietitian-Designed Menus

Busy Bees have partnered with a passionate and experienced dietitian – Julia Scott to develop and create bi-annual childcare menus for both Summer and Winter. Our Nourish recipes have been thoughtfully crafted to ensure that each meal is delicious, nutritionally balanced, and age-appropriate for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Here are some key benefits of childcare dietitian-designed menus:

  • Balanced Nutrition: Menus that include a variety of food groups—fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy—ensuring that children receive all the essential nutrients.
  • Portion Control: Proper portion sizes are crucial for young children. We have determined the right portion sizes to ensure children are well-nourished and maintain healthy growth.
  • Allergy Management: With the rise in food allergies, we are are adept at designing childcare menus that accommodate common allergens, offering safe alternatives to ensure all children can enjoy their meals.
  • Diverse Flavours and Textures: Introducing a variety of flavours and textures helps develop a child's palate and encourages them to try new foods, fostering healthy eating habits early on.

Sample Menu Highlights

A typical dietitian-designed menu for children at our Busy Bees Early Learning Centres across Aotearoa might include:

  • Morning Snack: Dairy-free pikelets with seasonal fresh fruit
  • Lunch: Chicken and chickpea curry
  • Afternoon Snack: Crackers with cheese and homemade beetroot dip, plus seasonal fresh fruit

Incorporating Early Education and Fun

At Busy Bees our childcare centres incorporate nutrition education and fun into meal times. Activities such as:

  • Gardening Projects: Allow children to grow their own vegetables and herbs, teaching them where food comes from and encouraging them to eat what they’ve grown.
  • Cooking Classes: Simple, hands-on cooking activities can engage children and help them appreciate the effort that goes into preparing healthy meals.
  • Nutrition Education: Age-appropriate lessons about different food groups, and the benefits of various nutrients can make children more conscious of their food choices. Tamariki often enjoy excursions to their local grocery stores to help select produce.
  • Sustainability: Integrating worm farms and composting promotes sustainability and environmental awareness. These practices not only enhance learning but also foster a lifelong commitment to being environmental guardians.

Nourish – Thriving Minds, Active Bodies, Nurtured Hearts. At Busy Bees Early Education Centres, we believe that through nourishing food, children are fuelled to thrive physically and mentally, whilst enjoying the benefits of coming together and connecting as a group at mealtimes (nurtured hearts). By prioritising nutrition, Busy Bees Aotearoa plays a crucial role in fostering healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime.


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