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Busy Bees Tāhunanui


20 Hours ECE




Meals provided

Enrol Now

details-poi 150 Tahunanui Drive, Tahunanui, Nelson 7011

details-phone 03 546 5359


details-clock Mon - Fri 7:30am - 5.00pm

Busy Bees Tāhunanui Map


Come and visit our space, check out our gallery below to see the new spaces come to life. 

Children at our centre will experience a caring, nurturing environment, one which promotes a positive self-image and respect for people, places and things. One which helps children build positive relationships, where they experience and learn the importance of trust and honesty, and where they develop a sense of independence and autonomy.
We would be honoured to share in your child’s learning journey. You’re welcome to call or visit anytime.

Busy Bees Tahunanui Facebook 22 April 2024 2

We regularly organise excursions within our local community and invite local services and outside organisations to be part of our localised curriculum.

We celebrate the diverse cultures that make up our centre community by acknowledging each child's unique background and incorporating these elements into our daily curriculum. This fosters a sense of belonging. We also take pride in our centre traditions, such as farewells for children when they turn 5 and transition to school!

Our Philosophy

Manaakitanga - Kindness

We believe that every child’s voice is essential and should be heard, respected, and advocated for. We will create a safe, respectful, and positive environment where all tamariki can flourish.

Whanaungatanga - Relationships

Our aim is to enhance the bond between whānau and Busy Bees Tāhunanui by fostering an environment where whānau feel secure to openly communicate and share their aspirations, joys, and concerns with kaimahi.

Kotahitanga - Togetherness

We strive to create an environment where every team member feels a strong sense of belonging and partnership. Our objective is to offer opportunities for kaiako to freely express their passion for teaching and learning.

Ako - Learn and Teach

For tamariki to build knowledge, they need the freedom to explore in authentic situations. We will provide opportunities for tamariki to pursue their interests through hands-on activities co-created by tamariki and kaiako. Our kaiako design the necessary time, spaces, and resources to support learning, allowing each akonga to discover, develop, and grow.

Tangata Whenua - Indigenous People

Māori are the tangata whenua of New Zealand, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the foundational document of our nation. We are committed to offering a curriculum that acknowledges and reflects our bicultural and multicultural communities by providing culturally responsive and engaging learning contexts.

Dietitian Designed Menus

Our menus are designed by an experienced dietitian, ensuring they meet the specific nutritional needs of growing children whilst also bursting with flavour. Our centre cooks take pride in preparing all meals onsite, adhering to the Ministry of Health Healthy Eating for Babies, Toddlers and Children to guarantee optimal safety and quality.

Our dedicated cooks and centre team is currently striving towards the Tohu Manawa Ora | Healthy Heart Award from the Heart Foundation.

Our centre has a small vegetable garden in each age group outdoor space. These gardens help tamariki learn through hands-on activities, encourage them to work together to plant and harvest, and teach them where food comes from. They also help children develop a love for nature and care for the environment.

Our Rooms

Pikopiko – Infants (0-2 years)
We see infants and toddlers as capable and curious. We offer a safe, nurturing environment where they can learn and discover. Respect, care, and aroha are central to our curriculum. Key teacher relationships ensure children feel safe, secure, and have a sense of tūrangawaewae.

Harakeke – Toddlers (2-3.5 years)
In the Harakeke Room, we value each child’s voice and prioritise relationships (whanaungatanga) to foster a sense of belonging and security. Our kaiako build trust-based relationships with children, encouraging independence and a love for learning. Through trusting relationships with kaiako, we ensure respectful, meaningful interactions and smooth transitions.

Kāmata – Preschool (3-6 years)
Our kaiako are fully present, working together to enquire, nurture, and grow alongside one another. By being intentional and reflective, we create a joyful environment where our tamariki can thrive and shape their future. Collaboration between our kaiako and whānau lays the foundation for quality learning and development.

We even have our own centre rapeti (rabbit) named Ted.


Nurturing Transitions: Our Journey to School

As children prepare to spread their wings and fly towards new adventures in school, we remain committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment that honors their individuality, fosters meaningful connections, and instils a lifelong love for learning.

Once children turn 4 we invite them to:

  • Join in 15-50 minute sessions to focus on either literacy, numeracy or story telling.
  • One session a week is dedicated to story telling where kaiako will read specifically selected stories and ask children questions along the way to provoke new thoughts, seek understanding and promote engagement. 
  • A structured literacy approach is applied to early alphabet knowledge as the tamariki explore the first stages of phonics.
  • Fine motor skills are explored via warm up games, hand exercises and handwriting challenges.
  • Children have opportunities to learn numeric symbols and use mathematical concepts and processes.
  • Facilitate group discussions about school routines, expectations, and coping strategies for managing changes.
  • Invite guest speakers, including teachers and older students, to share their experience and answer questions.
  • Visit Tāhunanui school new entrant class throughout the term to experience the school environment and make connecting links with our wider community. 


MOVE - Movement Programme

Here at Busy Bees we know how important movement is for children. Movement primes the brain for learning, forming the foundations for cognitive, physical, emotional and spiritual learning. At Busy Bees Tāhunanui we have dedicated kaiako in each room who lead our MOVE programme. 
Learn more about our MOVE programme here


Busy Bees Tahunanui 8
Busy Bees Tahunanui Nourish Morning Tea
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Busy Bees Tahunanui 3
Busy Bees Tahunanui Graduation Ceremony
Busy Bees Tahunanui 1

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